Behavioral Consultation
$200 1 hr 30 min
In Home Lesson for Puppy and Basic Obedience in Brooklyn and Monmouth County
$175 per lesson, 3 lessons for $500, 5 lessons for $800 and 10 lessons for $1500
In Home Behavior Lessons in Brooklyn and Monmouth County after consultation, Separation Anxiety, Fear, Leash Reactivity, Aggression
$175 per lesson 3 lessons for $500, 5 lessons for $800, and 10 lessons for $1500
In Home Manhattan Lessons
$200 per lesson, 3 lessons for $550, 5 lessons for $900, 10 for $1700
Day Training in Brooklyn
$1700 and includes 13 lessons. 10 with your dog and 3 with owner
Day Training in Manhattan
$2000 and includes 13 lessons, 10 with your dog and 3 with owner
Board and Train Brush Up
$175 per night for existing clients who want brush up lessons
Board and Train Programs
$2750 for two weeks and $1,000 for each additional week
Boarding Per Night
$90 per night. After an initial 24 hrs half days are billed at $45. Holiday rates are $100 per night and $50 for 1/2 day
Pick up and Drop off
$30 each way in Brooklyn and $50 in Manhattan plus congestion tolls
Virtual Training
$65 per half hour and $125 per hour